The doc office finally called me while I was on the way home from work, so had her hold until I got off the street. She said, "The doctor said that everything came back normal and just follow up as needed." I said, "That's great! So nothing showed up?" She repeated what she said before. I asked if everything came back normal, then what should I do now? Does he have any idea what sent me to the hospital? She asked if I'm still having problems and I told her yes, that's why I came to see him last week. She said that's all he said to tell me. I thanked her and hung up.
Is it just me or is something not right with this? I NEVER go to the doctor and I KNOW the trip to the emergency room was absolutely necessary. No pun intended, but I also know this isn't all in my head.
Plan of action? I don't have any facial problems, my blood pressure is slightly elevated (for my normal), but still within normal range, so guess I'll do my own W&W. I'm suppose to go back for another hearing test in 6 months, so will do that to see if my hearing loss is worse and go from there. Any suggestions? I truly thought maybe some beginning of blockage would show up in my arteries to my brain which have similar symptoms...not there. I also have a follow up with the heart doc on May 4th. I don't feel relieved except that nothing jumped out at the person who read the films. I sure wish they did cd's.