Author Topic: Questions ... GK consult tomorrow  (Read 5147 times)


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Re: Questions ... GK consult tomorrow
« Reply #15 on: April 03, 2009, 11:43:35 am »
i started with a set of questions simular to what i read in the original posting ... now having been through ck for only 3 months, i would modify my question list to include ....

1. of the ent, nuero, and radio onocologist .....
               a.  who will i see for what after the treatments?
                        who will do follow up mri and conversations for the long run?  (my neuro said to see teh CK dr and ck dr said that i should schedule FU with neuro as well as with him ... but could not say why.  ck dr was surprised nuero did nto schedule the follow ups
               b.   who do i calll - and when?  is there a good "nurse" available to call to ask about a headache or any questions that you might have.  rather than trying to catch teh dr or wait till next follow up.  you will see a common theme of the question - who to care for me after teh teatment?
               c.  during threatment - will i see teh drs and wil they address ?'s at that time or take the stance that you are committed to treatmetns and go on with life?  ck is spread over 3 days and the drs were never available ... never.   the tech got a PA on the 3rd day.
               d.  will the dr(s) give you a number of steroids and pain pills to put back in case that you do need them?  or wait until need, then tell you to go to er or make an appointment?  teh PA gave me pain pills and made sure that i had some steroids for the in case of .....  she made script for generics so co pay was low.  she would have not been there to talk to her about this unless i demanded to see someone.
               e.  the time span between mri (follow up ) and the visit to get results.   they tried to scheule this over a week apart.  i wanted tehm close together - you will also.  after first follow up - why even see the dr?  i just want the results unless the radiologist that reads the nri sees something.  they were able to say that i had a tumor over the phone but need to see me to review the follow ups?
               f.  ask their definition of a good outcome.  ask their definition of a satisfied patient.  if not satisfied - what am i to do as a patient?  i did not ask at first ck center - i fired them... at second, i did not until the follow up.  i got the dr's attention when i did and got an acceptable answer after reminding him that i was under his care as i got tested and everything relateing to the pre to follow up.
             g.  finally - after teh number treated is given ...  ask for a list of what sympthoms that they talked about - if they meet his /her defintion of a sucess as a patent and as a customer.  don't let tehm just say that most people have no sysmpthoms - did they follow up or just wait  to address the described issues?  my admitted to just reacting to issues ...  

yes. i was not satisifed with teh drs / system.  to date, i am satisifed with  the results!!!!   i went to soem very technically competent drs.   i personally have reservations about a few of the people skills of a few of them.  i found nurses and techs to be the salavation on several days.

i added teh above for my thoughts of what i would ask about today --- and wish that i would have asked more about the softer sides rather than just focusing on the treatment.

Diagnosed in fall of 2008 with 1.6 * 2.9cm AN on left side. 

Scheduled CK at Oklahoma Cyber Knife in December, 2008 and decided not to proceede on 2nd date that CK was scheduled.  I fired them.

CK performed at St John's Hospital (Tulsa)Jan 2009