Author Topic: From raking the leaves to this  (Read 8479 times)


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From raking the leaves to this
« on: April 30, 2019, 02:27:44 pm »

Something is wrong.

It seems like this all started in Oct 2018. I was raking leaves for the first time. Later that evening my eyes began to tear, excessively.  This continued for weeks, tears constantly running down my cheeks.  Saw regular MD, told it was allergies. Given drops. No improvement. Saw eye doc, no explanation.  

Next I saw ophthalmology doc, diagnosed with blocked tear ducts. It was during this time frame that my husband started telling me he thinks my hearing is getting worse,  I didn't believe him (I already wear bilateral hearing aides, hearing loss as far back as I can remember). 

Sent to surgeon for probable stents in tear ducts. While awaiting the appointment with surgeon I had this terrible sinus infection with severe left sided facial pain in cheek bone area. Back to MD, completed antbiotics, and seemingly better. 

Finally seen by surgeon in Feb 2019, tearing stopped, ducts no longer blocked, but The flushing of tear ducts caused reoccurrence of left cheek pain. This did seem to resolve.

Follow up appointment made with ENT due to severe headaches and fear of another sinus infection.

finally seen by ENT, explained all symptoms,  including dizziness related to tilting my head back, headaches that I believe to be sinusitis. ENT insisted on hearing test, i thought unnecessary bc I'm already aware of sensorineural hearing loss. This is when I found out mt Left ear had declined apprx 20% since 2013. Sent for non contrast CT. This was negative.

Now ENT Ordered MRI without contrast. Scheduled for this Thursday. I have since learned from online FB group that it would be best to have MRI with contrast,  call placed and waiting to see if doc will modify the order, and if insurance will approve it.

Meanwhile my headaches have been more frequent,  almost impossible to get rid of, almost daily. I keep having my heart pounding in my left ear - sound and sensation, along with what seems like constant pressure changes on left side, and sound of my own voice echoes and often too loud in the left ear. 

I realized if i close my eyes while my head is tilted back, I immediately lose my balance,  almost fell in the shower when washing my hair a few times (in the past few years), never gave that much thought until now. Now im thinking far too much about everything. 

Recently, turned my head to back out of a parking spor, and that made me dizzy. If i nod too much while conversing with someone,  that makes me dizzy. EnT did say i do not have vertigo. 

I'm not sure if I have AN, but I haven't been right since that day I raked the leaves.

Any input would be much appreciated.  Thanks 



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Re: From raking the leaves to this
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2019, 09:12:27 am »
Have you had your MRI yet?

I had some symptoms early on that were never investigated far enough to find my AN. Then I got up one day with the
left side of my face drooping. My doctor said Bells Palsy but as safe guard ordered MRI with contrast and they
found my tumor. It had nothing to do with the Bells Palsy just happened to find it.

Good luck I hope you get some answers
3mm AN discovered Aug 2004
Translab July 2 ,2007
3.2cm x 2.75cm x 3.3cm @ time of surgery