hello. please forgive my lack of computer knowledge. i tried to reply to those who responded to my very first ever post and messed up. some of you wanted a little more info. so here it goes... i am a 37 yr. old female in n.j. i have a right acoustic neuroma 4mmx6mm. i had gamma knife in philadelphia last february. my 6 month mri showed some necrosis. i actually just got back from having my 1 yr. mri and i am too chicken to look at the films so i am waiting til my husband gets home from work. i also have a small meningioma that the docs are not too concerned with unless it grows alot. i have a vast medical history and i'm starting to feel like my purpose in life is to help the advancement of science! well, i'm hoping for the best and i will keep you posted. thank you so much for your stories, info, and advice. i am so grateful to have the technology that allows me to talk with people who can relate to my situation. ttys!