Hey guys!
I had my eye weight removed this past fall because it had slipped. The occuloplastic surgeon wants me to go as long as possible without putting one back in so that my eyelid can heal & strengthen up. Since I have had so many eye surgeries, he is afraid if we put another one in, it will just "slip" again. I did great for a few months, but have been having more trouble lately. He wants me to wear an external weight for a while so that we can hopefully get the exact right weight the 1st time we go back in so as not to have go in again (he's afraid my eye can't take too much). All that said, does anyone have a weight or strips that they aren't using anymore?? I know that some people have written that but I'm not EXACTLY sure whom. I need a 1.2 weight!
PS-I have been wearing full make-up (well, not mascara on that lower lid)on that eye-it's OK, just not great!:0). Hope this all makes sense-I'm on my iphone & can't see all of what I wrote!