Kabby .....
As many have already said, we all walk through this same valley ..... from the totally devastating diagnosis, to the dizzying (pun intended!) treatment options, to the treatment decision, and finally the relief. As many of us have expressed, the decision-making and the waiting are often the worst part of the whole thing .... it was for me. I had less than three weeks from diagnosis to surgery. The first week was agony wrestling with the treatment options. The second week was the nesting/escaping week. And the third week was complete peace that all would be well.
Telling my family consisted of telling our adult children and my sister ..... all of whom accepted it understanding the seriousness of it but without fear. My surgery was done near where my sister lives (5 hours away from my home) so she had gathered together many prayer partners and her minister who stayed with my husband during surgery. (I think they had a big party in the waiting room.

) Knowing this I was very relaxed going into surgery and I know the prayers of many people contributed to my excellent result.
You will do fine and I know you will have the prayers of many people on this forum alone!