Author Topic: doctor in Missoula Montana?  (Read 2117 times)


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doctor in Missoula Montana?
« on: March 20, 2006, 08:57:19 am »

I just noticed this forum...I have been posting in the the general and pre-treatment forum but I think that this one maybe what I need for this question.

I have a left side AN and am in the process of having surgery scheduled at the House but my daughter in law met a gentleman yesterday at church who had an AN removed by a doctor in Missoula and was very pleased with the results. He said the drs name was Jeffery Haller. I have looked on the web and have not been able to find anything about him.

Has anybody had any experience with the services in Missoula? I live in S.E. Idaho so Montana would be much closer than Ca.


diag. 2/23/06 left side
4x8x6mm bony area
1.4x.1.1x1.1cm brain area
waiting for surgery in May 06