Author Topic: 7 years out after surgery  (Read 2737 times)


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7 years out after surgery
« on: March 16, 2006, 08:20:51 am »
Hi everyone,
   My name is Wayne, and I had a golf ball size (5.1 cm) A/N removed in March of 99. Lost all hearing on the right side, had short term memory loss, tinnitest in my head 24/7 still till this day. I have ballance issues at times, also 7 different eye operations, a gold weight implanted in my eye lid, my tear ducts plugged and have to use drops and two different eye gel every day.My right eye dosen'tr blink normaly.  Right after surgery the right side of my face was drooping like I had a stroke, could hardly open my mouth, and have numbness in on my right side of my face 24/7 till this day. Evcen had a surgery on my tongue. One thing I learned through all of that is each A/N patient is different some have it way way better, and some have it even worse. My moto was that I wanted to "keep on keepin on" kept pushing myself till I recovered all that I could as much as I could. Life changing oh yes! but I am still living life the best I can. I even started dating in my 50,s and just got married in July. This is just a small sample of what I went through, there is MUCH MUCH more. I didn't really have anyone to help me through the things I was going through at that time. Reading some of the posting brought back a lot, I am just saying that, I will share my experiences, and help support anyone who wants too. Have as I say a "good for you" day. Wayne


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Re: 7 years out after surgery
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2006, 09:24:59 am »
Dear Wayne,

7 diff. eye operations?  and many others?  I admire you!  I don't think I can go through any kind of operations right now, It was my first and only surgery and it happened to be a major one, so somewhat  traumatized by the experience  :) But I admire your courage, and maybe I can do it again(well, maybe not in a very longgggggg time though) 

I had gold weight implant, too and left side of my face somewhat hasn't come back yet.  When yours came back?  And why you have to go through 7 eye operations?  Thank you for taking time and Congratulations for everythilng you have accomplished in life.... 

Have a great day!

w/ much admiration,


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Re: 7 years out after surgery
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2006, 09:30:13 am »
Hi Wayne and welcome!

I certainly love your mantra!
"keep on keepin on"
Great words to live by!

My goodness, you have been through sooooooooo much, but look at you! Dating in your 50's, got married, still rock and rolling in spite of all you have gone through. I commend your strong spirit and "chutzpah".  Thank you so much for sharing your info/backround with us and a true lesson of mental strength in times of tough situations.   Hang in there, we're all here supporting each other and I have a sneaky feeling that your mental strength will do justice out here for others.

again, welcome! :)
"Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness", Capt Jack Sparrow - Davy Jones Locker, "Pirates of the Carribbean - At World's End"


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Re: 7 years out after surgery
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2006, 07:45:28 pm »
Wayne, What eye surgies did you have?  I have a gold weight and no feeling in my eye and on that side of my face.  I have had 2 eye muscle surguries.  I also had the 12/7 tongue nerve surgery.  Did you have that done?  The face being numb really bothers me.  It is like having been to the dentist.  Do you ever gert used to it?  aren  my surgery was 2 years ago.
     Surgery 12-17-03, nerve graft 1-04, 3.5 cm, facial paralysis, numbness and no hearing in left ear


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Re: 7 years out after surgery
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2006, 08:49:46 pm »
Wayne - Welcome to the forum and congratulations on your recent marriage. The AN journery sure is an interesting one, but pushing forward and keeping the positive attitude is what gets you through it all. It will be 8 years for me this July and life is good! I have a lot of the same issues you have. Although I still have short term memory problems. Did you do any type of therapy or did it resolve itself on its own?

Thanks for the inspiring post!


3.5 cm  - left side  Single sided deafness 
Middle Fossa Approach - California Ear Institute at Stanford - July 1998
Dr. Joseph Roberson and Dr. Gary Steinberg
Life is great at 50