Hi, I wanted to respond your ??'s about tinnitus in the "good ear". As you can see my stats you know how far along I am from surgery. My "right" ear began with high-pitch, on and off hissing/ringing/crickets, whatever, shortly after the one-year mark and six months after that it set in full time. I have fullness, heart beating sound, along with tinnitus. I have had hearing checked last fall and results shows mild loss on the high end. As of recently, I do feel my hearing has changed because I cannot recognize my own daughters voice on the phone or other family members for that matter. I always seem to be moving the phone around my ear during a conversation because I miss some of what they are saying. These are all signs of hearing loss and in the fall when I go for annual hearing exam I'll know for sure if I've lost more. My doctor has talked about "sympathetic response" regarding these symptoms, he's not really concerned as of February when we talked about this, but then he doesn't know about most recent symptoms of hearing loss. I also mentioned my eye twitching to him in February (see stats as that is when I had labyrinthectomy) and he said during this 2nd operation my facial nerve, albeit intact, is prolapsed and the eye twitching is due to this weakend nerve. Recently I've begun to notice more pain in the cheek area, my eye lid freezes on occation and I have a very slight drool. I want to stay on top of this so I've requested from ANA the booklet on facial issues so I can start exercising these muscles to help me. I think in your case the tinnitus in the contralateral ear should be noted by your doctor or audiologist just for the records, they may or may not have an answer as you see I don't. Your eye twitching can very well be your facial nerve firing due to tumor and should be noted by your doctor also. I know other people have commented on eye twitching as signs of psychological stress, but in my case it's stress of a physical type.