Hi Patty .....
There are probably many spouses of ANers on this site who would empathize with your husband. I know mine surely can. My husband is by nature a very quiet person, so it is difficult for him to articulate his fears. His way of dealing with both of my brain surgeries was to read everything he could find about the diagnoses and potential procedures ..... somehow this was reassuring to him.
On the day of my AN surgery at Duke (5 hours away from where we live), my sister who lives near there gathered together many of her friends and her minister, who alternated staying with him in the waiting room ..... although he says he would not have minded being alone and reading, it did make the time pass more quickly for him.
If you would like, I am sure my husband would be glad to share his experience ..... or as Steve said, have him check the Caregivers topic.
Keep us posted. Clarice