Thanks for the update. i think about Chelsea alot. It's interesting that both you and Robyn mention the swallowing issue Chris had problems with liquids and the feeding tube was the low point he reached that summer. Like Robyn, I look at him every time he coughs when eating and remember.
About the eye: After the 2nd surgery for the rest of the tumor (summer 2006) Chris was told that he had facial paralysis. We didn't see anything different, even an opthalmology resident said he looked fine. However, his doctor said that was just "tone" and common in young people. He had the gold weight put in just days after the surgery. It was worth it. The procedure is reversible and modifiable. It helped him close his eye and blink better. It isn't noticeable and he refused to wear a patch and a moisture chamber.
Unfortunately, Chris still had dry eye problems. He returned to college and studied more, used the computer more and our cold, dry winters here all affected his eye and he had to have eye surgery to bring up the lower lid. Again, it's not noticeable. He still uses moisture drops daily.
Just thought you might want this information, especially when Chelsea returns to school.