Author Topic: Vision problems and AN?  (Read 3423 times)


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Vision problems and AN?
« on: October 06, 2005, 06:37:20 pm »
I'm not even a confirmed AN case yet (I've had a CT and MRI - my regular neurologist said it might be an AN and is sending me with the films to a neurosurgeon), but I've been perusing this website for information before my appointment.  I've read a few times about vision problems, but I assumed this was always post-treatment.  However, a few posts implied there were vision problems BEFORE treatment.  Is this true for anyone?  I know AN is by denfinition on or near the auditory nerve, but I've got this persistent slightly blurry vision that's giving me headaches.  First, I had one optometrist say I had incorrectible blurry vision in my right eye, which is the side of the suspected AN (but I wasn't sure of his credibility because he told my husband something about his eyes that wasn't true).  Now I'm seeing a contact lens specialist at an opthomalogist's office, and she has yet to fit me in a pair of contacts that make the bluriness go away (and I know she knows what she's doing).  I see her next week again, so I was just wondering if I should mention the possible AN to her, or if she'll think I'm crazy.  Thanks everyone for your contributions!!!!  :) 
« Last Edit: October 06, 2005, 06:45:25 pm by Sandyrat »
27 years old
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Re: Vision problems and AN?
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2005, 07:33:55 pm »
Looking back to before I was daignosed, the one symptom I had that made me seek help was my vision., It wasn't terrible; it just wasn't right. I could never see street signs s far away as my wife could. I ended up asking her wht the next cross street was so I could turn if I needed to. I went to an opthomologist who changed my prescription and said my eyes looked fine. The new prescription was no help but I didn't pursue it any further. 1 1/2 years later I was diagnosed with a large AN. After it was removed, I learned about nystagmus and oscillopsia. I still have oscillopsia - I can't see faces clearly when I am walking. I can't see myself in the mirror clearly while brushing my teeth. I certainly had vision issues before surgery. I hope this helps.
Best wishes,
multiple AN surgeries
last surgery June 08


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Re: Vision problems and AN?
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2005, 08:34:11 pm »
Yes I had vision problems before I was diagnosed. I kept going back because the prescription never seemed to be right. They thought it was a stigmatizium. I still have vision problems and my VS Tumor was removed 6/23/05. I would tell the optomalogist you are being checked for a AN, It can't hurt.


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Re: Vision problems and AN?
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2005, 06:52:09 am »
I'm awaiting my MRI which will happen on Monday, but I too had vision problems with the rest of the AN type symptoms.  I have been experiencing what looks like gnats in front of my face, but they really aren't there.  Also, sometimes when I turn my eyes quickly, it looks like a puff of black smoke is in front of my face.  Very weird...

My ABR came back abnormal (left side), thus that's why my ENT guy is sending to get the MRI.


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Re: Vision problems and AN?
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2005, 11:22:39 am »
Hi, Sandyrat.

I'm also 'unconfirmed' relating to AN.  I'm still waiting for an MRI.  I am experiencing blurred vision on the same side that the AN is suspected.  I went to an optometrist about it before AN was suspected, but it's an intermittant problem, and during the day of my test my eyes were fine.  I also find that the blurred vision occurs more frequently with a headache.  I'm not sure if the blurred vision gives me a headache or the headache relates to a problem that also causes blurred vision.  I think that blurred vision is frequently experienced with AN before any treatment begins, but not everyone has blurred vision.

I would definitely mention the AN to your eye Dr. when you visit her.  It is a symptom that MIGHT be related to AN, so it can't hurt to fill her in on the suspicions.

Good luck and keep us posted.  Let us know when you find out something concrete!

Diagnosed 31 Oct 2005
Bilateral 0 cm ANs.


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Re: Vision problems and AN?
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2005, 07:55:03 pm »
  I saw my contact lens specialist today and told her about the possible AN.  Since we're having such difficulty finding the right lenses to clear up my vison, she agreed that it could be a factor, and said to let me neurosurgeon know when I meet with him on the first time on October 21st.  I also mentioned that the opthomalogist she works with saw something (I don't recall what, not something horrible, just odd) when he looked into my eyes that made him recommend the CT scan that led to my MRI that led to the possible diagnosis of an AN.  So I'm going to have that report sent to the neurolosurgeon; maybe it'll mean something to him.  I'll let everyone know what he tells me about AN and effects on vision, plus any remedies, if there are any.   :-\

  I still welcome any other posts in the meantime so that I'm armed with more info/questions regarding this subject before I see the neurosurgeon.  And thanks to all who already replied!  :)

27 years old
R side                       
It's a vein!