Jeepers -
I'll defer to Dr. Battista on this one - but personally I'm not sure I'd go with the Ponto. Nothing to do with the fact that I'm a Cochlear volunteer.
I just think that something brand spanking new from a company (Oticon) that hasn't manufactured a BAHA device before isn't something I'd put my money on. If it were a few years old and reviews were good (or if the device wasn't costly), I'd do it - but at this point in time I'm with you on the tried and true idea.
I'd definitely schedule the surgery because whichever device you ultimately choose - Cochlear BP100 or Oticon Ponto - the parts that are implanted into your skull are the same. That's the nice thing about a BAHA - you can mix & match devices and nothing in your head ever has to change
Dr. Battista makes you wait 90 days post op for calcification so when that occurs both the BP100 and the Ponto should be available.
Greg -
I'll try to remember to ask the Cochlear reps @ the symposium about the Divino and beer - I won't mention any names though