I'm very fortunate, and kept some hearing in my AN ear. I did however, get 24/7 ringing. Other than that, the ear doesn't feel plugged any more or packed like it did for weeks after surgery.
I've noticed that when I push myself hard doing something physical (long run today, going at a good clip), the AN ear plugs up and feels like it needs to be popped. In the past when it's done this, it's resolved itself once my heart rate gets back down normal (or about an hour after). Today however, I could not clear it. It stayed this way (you know the feeling when you talk and it almost echos back in your head. You plug your nose and blow but it doesn't clear....) today for the majority of the day (at least 8 hours after finishing). I initially thought it had something to do with blood pressure and constricting blood vessels, but that only seems to make sense if it went away when I cooled down and rested. Today had me scratching my head altogether (and wondering if it would be the new 'normal').
Can anyone explain this phenomenon? I don't go for my post surgery hearing test for another 2 weeks (surgery was exactly 2 months ago today).