I wondered about this - I was told in Hospital to stay off the booze - that one drink would be like having 6. So I haven't had a drop, not just since my op in March, but since 1st January. Part of it is I'm a bit afraid I'll get paralytic on one glass of wine and another is just to see if it affects my life not having any booze. It doesn't. Anyway, I was wondering about other AN'ers and their booze intake post surgery and it looks like it's ok? I'm only thinking the odd glass of wine when I'm out with friends. My balance is pretty good now - I'm doing yoga at the rec centre nearby and walking to work, all good. On Saturday though I was walking up some stairs at the theatre and my friend went to pass me the ticket and dropped it and I watched it fluttering down and just that completely threw my balance off, I almost fell down the stairs! How bizarre! Note to self, don't watch tickets falling to the floor in future! Anyway thanks for the guidance with the drink... shall try a glass one of these days!