Hi Imurray69,
I had Cyberknife rad. 18mo.s ago. When I started my tumor was 11.6mmX5.7mm. After 6mo.s it was at 15.7mmX8.8mm.(twice the size) After12mo.'s it was 12.3mmX6.7mm.- still larger than when we started. After 18mo.s it is 11.4mmX5.4mm - only slightly smaller than when we started. Your tumor may be reacting normaly after radiation.
Also, I consulted with the Neurology folks at Barnes-Jewish Hosp. in St.Louis, Mo. - only 125 miles from you. Although they were pro-surgery they understood and agreed with my decission to have radiation. They said " if the radiation doesn't work, come see us, we can always take it out latter. Sometimes the surgery is a little more difficult." I had CK in Okl.City only 180 miles from my home. Barnes-Jewish hosp. is associated with Washington University School of Medicine. I saw Dr.Robert Grubb(Neurologist) & Dr.Gail Neely(ENT) - both are directors of research. Might be a good 2nd opinion.
By your past posts I can't tell if your tumor is 15mm or 9mm at this time, but after radiation that might not be so bad. They swell from irritation before they shrink and sometimes to only their original size.
All in all, you may not be worse off as you think, you just need someone in the know to monitor your progress. I too was very anxious about all this and Dr.Neely made me feel at ease, also Dr.Medbery @ St.Anthony's Hosp. in Ok.City who does CK and is monitoring me now. If I can help you any further, let me know. If I were you I would get my past MRI's and medical records and seek that 2nd opinion. I wish you well, Bob