we have heard many on these forums not note the actual size of their AN but will do comparison size of "it's pea size" or "it's the size of a golf ball", etc. For publication purpose, its doubtful she is going to say "oh, mine was 6cm x 4cm", etc (not actual size for her's). Regardless of what item she used to compare in size (and since none of us know what exact size it was), the publication used her quote of noting "grapefruit" size (we know how the press can be) and from what it sounds like..... it was deemed "large".... it was treatable (as best as it could be)...... it left her with residual issues (may they heal soon) and honestly, IMO, I embrace her for noting it.
doesn't matter what size it was (large or small).... she is now 3 yrs post treatment, still dealing with after affects and I send her healing hugglez for wellness. She now walks in our shoes and I commend her for publically noting her AN journey.
Just my 2 cents.