Things are looking up! Today the Cochlear rep was with Abby for my appointment for programming. She had come up to do some more training with Abby this morning. She asked me questions about the problems I was having. It seems some of my issues were based on a "connectivity" problem with the BP100 to the Cochlear program. (She fixed that before I got there. It may have been an in-house problem with the systems in the office.)
One thing they did today was a "Bone conduction" test. This involved me wearing the BAHA while it was attached to the computer. Abby would send different tones directly to the BAHA to see if I could hear them. Apparently, this is more informative to how it's working than the regular test she gave me last time in the "booth".
Watching Abby with the rep made appreciate the training she had to have. I was in the room while the rep showed her how to better use the program, and pointed out some mistakes that were made in my programming. For example, the program defaults to 2 BAHA's, so the audiologist has to choose the side, otherwise it thinks you have one on both wonder!
Like I said before, this is trailblazing. Abby will now be much better prepared for the next patient she has with a BP100. So far, I am her only one.
I still heard a wee bit of occasional whistling today, but it is much better than it was.