Hi All!
Today marks the beginning of my "official" journey. Although I had been on the path for 6-7 years prior to knowing what was wrong with me, it was on 11/14/08 that I knew exactly what it was. I will never forget being alone in the neurologist's office waiting for him to come, knowing that the MRI would show nothing and confirm what he suspected - a viral ear infection. He came in rather solemn, said "I've got good news and bad news. The bad news - you have a brain tumor; the good news, it's benign. But it is large, so who is your neurosurgeon?" The world changed forever for me that day. And although I didn't know it at the time, the person I've become these 12 months later, is a much better person than the old me.
I don't know what I would have done without my family and friends - the friend who thankfully was on the other end of the phone line when I called her from the dr's office, my "kids" (well, they were 19 & 23 then!) who came home when they could tell by my voice something was wrong, my husband who was so calm and said "well, let's get this taken care of", my professional friends who never went a day without giving me a smile or a laugh, my band friends who said "Hurry up - the clarinet section needs you back here soon and we'll be waiting on you!", and so many of you, who I have never met, but helped me in ways no one else could (my daughter found you before I even joined and had a gang of forumites waiting to greet me when I posted for the first time).
Through your words of advice, my research and that of my daughter, I found my surgeons - knew from the moment we met that this was the team for me (even though I had 2 more consultations with others), and a very successful surgery. Infection got me down a few times and required 2 more surgeries, but I think I'm all done with that now.
In addition to SSD, balance issues, and a nice size area (about the size of a mini twix bar!) on the back of my head that refuses to grow hair and is bazooka bubblegum pink most of the time, I find that I am much more compassionate, patient, a bit sappy, and am very appreciative of what I have. I have celebrated my 49th birthday on Halloween, joined a gym, have a personal trainer, and have never been stronger.
Today, I am going to my first AN support group meeting with the folks in Cincinnati (I have attended one in Columbus, and will continue to participate in both as much as possible). My neurosurgeon, Dr. Tew, will be there, as will his clinical nurse, Nancy and I can't wait to see them. I will also meet Jill, who I met through this forum and she had her surgery with the same team as me, exactly one week prior to mine. What a perfect way to celebrate this occasion.
I have one more health issue looming, but I'm really hoping for a positive result to the ultrasound on the 24th - another cyst and rather dramatic change in a breast - but I've had things like this before and it has always turned out to be related to fibrocystic breast issues. And, if it is not, I'll deal with whatever comes, the very best way I can!
Sorry to be wordy and if anyone reads this far down the long long post, I'll be amazed. But I just had to commemorate this with a bit of a sentimental journey, knowing that I have many more milestones ahead of me that will be celebrated as well. The holidays weren't too great for me last year, and I am looking forward to enjoying the season this year!!! Again, much love to all of you, and thanks for being such an important part of my life.