Procedure went well...after hours and hours/days and days of research, soul-searching, agonizing, talking, etc.--my gamma procedure itself only lasted 30 minutes!!!! I was very fortunate to have a very small one (relatively speaking).
Of course there was a lot leading up to it, but the procedure is the least "painful" in many senses of the word. I could not do surgery due to other medical reasons, but this has been a comfortable alternative for me.
I've just left the hospital and am heading to hotel room to nap for a while, then if i feel up to it, Dennis and I are driving to the beach (Cedar Key area) so we can rejuvenate near the ocean, which is one of the most healing things for me (next to horses and my family!!).
thanks to all of you for your continue prayers and support and good wishes and wicked senses of humor...i'll post more later...
hey...some of you "veterans'...does this mean i'm a toastie postie now?
love to all
tricia (horsekayak)