Let me start with what is billed, is NOT what is paid...
I have a one page report from my insurance company of these exact numbers. Did not even have to use a calculator!
Here is an idea in rounded numbers -
$180,000 billed from all my interactions in California. All surgeons, hospital, pathologists, physical therapists...the whole 6 days I was in the hospital.
$52,000 was above the contracted amount (deal between insurance and doctors)
$110,000 was written off (just - POOF - gone)
My insurance paid exactly $17,045.35 for my California, House, portion of this process (I had original diagnostics done in my home state)
All I paid was my $350 deductable, $225 co-insurance (my 20% responsibility) and a few $25 out of pocket doctor visits!
If you consider the United States for treatment, make sure you discuss this "write off" bit first. You should not ever pay more than 50% in my opinion. And according to these numbers, 10% is acceptable!