I know everyone has been so kind with everything, but I have been a wreck.
I am having a check up tomorrow after my middle fossa approach on 11/9 (3days sigh of a mont, but i need to get in) I was feeling so great right after leaving the hospital, but a few days later I got the delayed onset of facial paraylis (I wasn't positive what it was for sure and thought maybe I was having a stroke) At that time I still had double viision and my memory was short term too. Plus I still had some of the tinnittus....which now gotten worse. Couldn't barelly stand noises. Can close my eye eiither, but really trying to keep it safel.
I went back through my phamphlets and noticed I thiknk I gotten all but 2 side effects (macterial menengitis, and CSF leak) {{anyone know how long before we ar oujt of the woods for those possbilties}?
I know my issues ar a bit different with my added spinal pain that most know about if they've read my blog. But man, its just been crazy.
So, please keep me in thoughts and prayers for our findings tomorrow, plus being able to make a comfortable ride there & bak.
I don't know how to express enogh thast I found this forum an so many people with opions, thoughts,,anf fact.
With my loving heart,
Denise sanford