Bren, I know, I know I need to email you!!
But, if the scans were done at a local hospital go in to medical records and get a copy of the report (will need id) If not, try to call where it was done and see if youcan fax something with your id & signature. ALSO, everytime you go to a hospital for tests, bloodwork anything, ask right at admissions if you can sign a paper for them to send you a copy yourself.
I know some of it is hard to understand, but atleast they may mention different things on the reports. For example on mine where they were originally looking at a different tumor, but over the years of MRI's the comments started showing up about the acoustic neuroma and other things.
Oh, God be with you and good luck. I hope to update my blog real soon, and email you!!!!!!! DO think of you daily, just been a little blah.
take care and good luck