It seems I am all the time coming up with some odd happening... Today, I have finally come to the realization that I have a memory problem. My mom kept trying to tell me this, but I chose to think she was getting senile. haha
Anyway, it's not a typical case of forgetfulness. It's that after my vivid imagination imagines a conversation I want to have with somebody, or something I need to do, afterwards, I can't tell the difference in a real memory and a fantasy. In other words, I think that it really happened and it didn't. It feels like it did, feels like a real memory. I absolutely can't tell the difference. I can even tell the other person what they said back to me, where we were, the look on their face, and they just look at me like I'm insane--which I guess I am. LOL
Has this happened to anybody else, or am I the Lone Ranger here? Any advice on something I can do to improve this?