Author Topic: CK and Dizziness: Not a good Mix??  (Read 3123 times)


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CK and Dizziness: Not a good Mix??
« on: February 08, 2010, 01:44:14 pm »
Hi all.

I am a 42 year old woman with two small kids 5 and 7 diagnosed recently with an AN 12 mm by 5 mm centered in internal auditory canal, with only 2mm jutting out toward my brain.  My question is this:  for those of you who have had CK, did you experience bouts with dizziness/vertigo prior to CK?  I have dizziness and bouts with vertigo.  Did any doctors advise against CK because they said you need surgery to treat your dizziness/vertigo?  If you had dizziness/vertigo prior to CK, did it improve after?

I am still researching treatment options, and I am thinking that, if my dizziness becomes unbearable afte CK, what next??  I know I'm catastrophizing, but something I'm thinking about right now.  Should dizziness be a factor in deciding between treatment options?  Would love to hear personal experiences here if possible of people's dizziness pre and post CK.

Thank you again for being there!

12 mm x 4 mm diagnosed 1/25/10
CK at Stanford 4/7-4/9/10 - Drs. Chang and Soltys
Measured 14 mm x 6 mm at time of treatment


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Re: CK and Dizziness: Not a good Mix??
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2010, 11:32:15 am »
i had some balance issues before CK ---- still did it.   i have had some issues since.  i have learned to rise slowly  after sitting and a few other things.  but i can live with it.  i did invest in a good safety harness for deer hunting so i will nto fall out of a tree stand.   low light is th eworst ... but doable.

Diagnosed in fall of 2008 with 1.6 * 2.9cm AN on left side. 

Scheduled CK at Oklahoma Cyber Knife in December, 2008 and decided not to proceede on 2nd date that CK was scheduled.  I fired them.

CK performed at St John's Hospital (Tulsa)Jan 2009


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Re: CK and Dizziness: Not a good Mix??
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2010, 12:21:21 pm »
Hi there,

Part of the reason I was diagnosed was due to my lack of balance in the dark. I had that happen before Gamma Knife and now I do my best not to walk around with no light. I have not had "dizziness" per say, before or after. But I do have balance issues. They occurred before Gamma and the balance issues are still with me. Gamma knife did not make the balance issues better or worse. I am only 3 weeks out from having my treatment. Just a newbie!

There are many more experts out there with more time after Gamma. I know they will give you more help and ideas. You have come to the best place in the world to get help. :)



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    • Vagal Schwannoma
Re: CK and Dizziness: Not a good Mix??
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2010, 03:18:29 pm »
I am no Doctor, but I have re-searched CK greatly.  CK offers approx. 85-90% chance of killing the tumour totally and 25% of reducing the size.  With size reduction, I would assume that the symptoms would become less.  I am under the assumption that what ever symptoms you have before you have CK, they will remain the same after CK, just not get any worse.  I HAVE heard of some symptoms getting less over time.  Please join and read the forum as they have doctors on hand on the forum who answer all questions.
Best of luck and DO search all your options.  Join the forum on CK and ask all your questions!
JULY 2009 found 5.6 cm X 4 cm vagal schwan on the 10th cranial nerve and by MAY 2010 it grew to 7.1 cm X 4 cm X 4.1 cm  Nov 2010 it has grown another 10%... time for C.K.! :)
I love life but I'm finding it harder to do .. one millimetre at a time.


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Re: CK and Dizziness: Not a good Mix??
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2010, 11:15:56 pm »
Hi, Laleh, and welcome to the forum.

Whatever type symptoms you have at the time of CK, there is a chance they will be exacerbated by the treatment (this is according to esteemed Stanford-based doctor, Dr. Steven Chang). You may not have any symptoms worsen, but it's possible. If they do worsen, it's most likely going to be transitory, lasting up to several months but possibly only a day.

If you have vertigo prior to CK, it could possibly worsen after treatment. If you don't have vertigo prior to CK (and even if you once had vertigo but no longer do at the time of treatment), it is highly unlikely that you will have vertigo after treatment. So, to summarize, it's only the pre-existing symptoms that could possibly worsen temporarily post-CK.

The worsening of symptoms (if they occur) is due to the cranial nerves becoming irritated or damaged by the radiation itself or by the tumor swelling in reaction to the radiation and creating irritating inflammatory compounds. Once the swelling goes down, dizziness and vertigo should decrease. And if the symptoms are due to damage to the vestibular nerve, your brain will eventually compensate and learn how to ignore the aberrant balance signals the damaged side is sending.

Now for my story, in brief, to illustrate one person's experience:
I had severe vertigo, oscillopsia and disequilibrium 9-1/2 years ago at the onset of AN symptoms. Due to years of misdiagnosis, I only received CK 19 months ago. At the time of treatment, I hadn't had vertigo or oscillopsia in over 8 years. Immediately after CK, my disequilibrium worsened by, subjectively, about 15 to 20% and stayed like that for six months. But I had no return of vertigo or oscillopsia. My MRI at the 5-month mark showed my tumor had swelled in volume 33%. At the six-month mark post-CK, my balance began to improve dramatically. Now I feel my balance is actually around 60 to 65% better than it was right before getting CK! According to Dr. Chang, about 25% of patients experience improving balance after treatment. My 11-month MRI showed my tumor had shrunk 59% in volume from its peak size and was smaller than it was before treatment. So there is some validity to the belief that a shrinking tumor could possibly cause less severity of symptoms. This is thought to be due to the fact that a shrinking tumor puts less pressure on the affected cranial nerves.

Please note that having surgery, in lieu of radiotherapy, can cause just as bad of an increase in balance problems as CK or GK. Scraping a tumor off a cranial nerve can damage or irritate the nerve as much or more than radiation. In fact, in many cases, radiotherapy is the only treatment that holds the potential for preserving hearing; this is because, for medium- and large-size tumors, surgery is often more traumatic to the hearing nerve. In your case, however, since your tumor is small, surgery may not be any riskier than CK vis-a-vis your hearing preservation. Bottom line: CK and GK are definitely not contra-indicated for patients with balance symptoms. But you might notice an increase in those symptoms, though they would most likely be transient in duration. Nobody can guarantee results, though, and there are serious risks with any type of treatment for an AN. See my post comparing the benefits and risks of surgery vs CK vs GK here:

I hope that helps. Good luck!!

Best wishes,
L. AN 18x12x9 mm @ diagnosis, 11/07
21x13x11 mm @ CK treatment 7/11/08 (Drs. Chang & Gibbs, Stanford)
21x15x13 mm in 12/08 (5 months post-CK), widespread necrosis, swelling
12x9x6 mm, Nov. 2017; shrank ~78% since treatment!
W&W on stable 6mm hypoglossal tumor found 12/08

Shelley G

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Re: CK and Dizziness: Not a good Mix??
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2010, 01:20:42 am »
I am 10 months post GK- still have some balance issues, but I have improved alot- prior to surgery, I was a real mess- I wound up having a shunt put in because of the fluid build up- I was pretty much comatose for 4 weeks until they finally figured it out, that was in February- at the time of my GK in April I was still in a wheelchair, only able to take a few steps, by May I was walking with a cane, by August was walking on my own and started driving again in September. I still don't do so well in the dark- so always have a nightlight on so I have something to focus on, I don't do alot of night driving as I still have some concerns for my safety (and everyone else on the road). I finally started feeling better in December- and am now looking at a return to work in April-  (I've been off work since Oct/08)- didn't help that at the same time I was diagnosed with cancer, so had that to contend with that first before dealing with the AN.  I have just started a new physio conditioning program to help me with getting back more balance- or how to compensate for what might never return.
Gamma Ray Knife Surgery April 2009
25% hearing in right ear- conventional hearing aid Jan/10
balance issues- but getting better


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Re: CK and Dizziness: Not a good Mix??
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2010, 12:15:07 pm »
Hi Laleh,

I was diagnosed with 1.6x1.3cm and a tandem 4mm tumor in late 2008 at the age of 46. After doing a lot of reading and research and going back and forth with my options, I finally settled on CK. Much like you, I had numerous bouts of vertigo and dizziness. It was the vertigo that took me to the Dr. in the first place. I was concerned about the things I read and heard that "if you're dizzy before CK you will probably be dizzy after". The vertigo and dizziness really were bothersome and affecting my life. However, for many reasons, including the fact that CK gave me the best chance at retaining my hearing and that surgery scared the heck out of me. I chose CK. I had it done exactly 1 year ago today! I had 3 sessions.
I can tell you that for the first couple of months after, I did still feel dizzy, really "wonky-headed" and did have a few times with vertigo. However, as time has progressed I have felt less dizziness and haven't had any vertigo in the last 6 months! I am back doing all the things I did before, minus stuff like riding roller-coasters, I'll leave that one alone! I don't have the world's best balance, but it doesn't affect my daily life, so I am grateful for the progress I have seen and the fact that my hearing is still stable, although it did dimish some in the last 3 months.
I know how hard it is to make a decision, only you can know what is best for you. I'm sure you will know what is right for you.
If I can answer any question, please feel free to message me.

Diagnosed Nov. 1, 08
1.6x1.5cm Right AN, secondary Right AN 4mm
Cyberknife at Barrows Neurological Institute, Phoenix, AZ
Feb. 24,25,26
Now playing the waiting game.