Thank you Jim and Gennysmom for replying to my recent posting about a post op flu/cold type virus. ÂÂ
I know just what you mean Gennysmom, by a cold type virus hanging around longer than everyone elses, but considering the trauma our brains have been thro, I suppose it`s to be expected?
Cripes, I imagine you must`ve been nervous after a CFL with all that sneezing?
I was definitley below parr for 2 yrs before being diagnosed and had no inkling as to what my problem was?
But even so, like you, have that climb back to our usual health and a virus is the last thing we need!!!
  Hope you`re getting on much better now....good luck and good health!
Thank you also Jim, epsecially for your comments on the dreaded balance issue.ÂÂ
All of which I`ve taken on board.
With some post op hiccups, I think that I slacked a bit in pushing myself with excercises . And have begun working at them much harder.ÂÂ
I wish you well in your health and thank you very much in pushing that point home to me.ÂÂ
I suspect we`re all out on a limb in our local communities , with barely anyone around us really understanding our surgery and all.ÂÂ
So this forum is invaluable for this kind of information from a fellow who`s been there. ÂÂ
I`m still battling a virus which has certainly tracked to my weak spots from surgery.
The good news is that my earache`s gone . Sinus problems now....grrrrrr!
But thats small fry ...after our surgery!
I live in a small town in the UK and just everyone`s going down with a virus that`s making them dizzy don`t reckon my balance has a chance you?
I`m just hoping it isn`t `bird flu? `  ( just joking)
Apart from all the above...........
Has anyone with an AN on their brain stem, noticed that they had high BP before the op but which is much lower now?ÂÂ
I was always riduculously healthy with a normal BP ....but just before my diagnosis , my BP showed sky high.......(months before I had cause for concern! )
On researching, I found that problems with the brain stem causes high BP.ÂÂ
Post op......mine`s back to normal without medication! ÂÂ
It would be interesting to hear if anyone else has found this?
Thank you again ANA for allowing me to post, I`m not officially AN ..
.but with a rare benign tumour, that the surgeons and audiology are treating as such, now that its more or less gone.
Joy from UK.
95% removed, 4th May at Addenbrooks Unviversity Hospital, Cambridge. England .