Author Topic: Is scar tissue ever a problem?  (Read 2121 times)


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Is scar tissue ever a problem?
« on: February 22, 2010, 08:46:51 am »
Is there ever a problem with having scar tissue in your head after surgery?  Just beginning my wait (6 months) before my next MRI to see if the spot they saw on my MRI is tumor or scar tissue and I'm wondering if it IS scar tissue, do they normally just leave it in there or do they ever have to remove it? The doc seems to think in my case that it's tumor growth from little bits that got left behind from my surgery (I guess they didn't see it) but I'm hoping for scar tissue and then I started wondering what happens if it IS scar tissue....

Retrosigmoid on 02-06-09 by Dr. LaRouere (Michigan Ear Institute) and Dr. Pieper.  Perfect hearing, perfect balance, no tinnitus and no headaches before surgery.  Right SSD, loud tinnitus and crazy headaches after surgery.  BAHA surgery 07-29-09 ~ still working on tune-ups...don't love it ~ YET!!


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Re: Is scar tissue ever a problem?
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2010, 09:02:48 am »
Hi Kathy
I think the only way scar tissue is a problem is if you have regrowth and go for a second surgery-it just makes the surgeons job a little trickier but not impossible. Scar tissue is a completely normal result of having had your surgery.   


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Re: Is scar tissue ever a problem?
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2010, 09:23:27 am »
Hi Kathy,

I know we have PMed a little, I live in Michigan and had scheduled my surgery with Dr. LaRouere for March 15th Translab. I called Kris this morning and left a message .... she just called  me back and wanted to know why I canceled my surgery.

Do you feel your surgery was a success, especially after getting the news of your latest MRI?  I mean how awful after all you have been through and then to have to start this worry all over again.  Did you ask Dr. LaRouere if he thinks its scar tissue?  After all he did tell your husband that he got all the tumor.  I do understand that there are no guarantees with this surgery and I know saving the facial nerve is important but darn it this sucks!

I think you know that I am looking into endoscopic surgery and I am not sure it will be paid for by my insurance and we are having allot of Economic issues as allot of us here in MI are.  I just feel like I'm going to throw up all the time.  I'm not sure if I can take this not knowing what I'm doing one more minute  :(.

I told Kris that I may be calling back to reschedule, she was very nice and said she understood.  I just could not get enough good information coming out of that office that I needed to make my decision.

Thanks for listening

Sue in Michigan
3.2 cm AN Right side diagnosed 12/4/09
Translab surgery May 2010 with Dr. Jack Kartush and Daniel Pieper at Michigan Ear Institute.
Successful surgery .5mm left on facial nerve.  Full facial movement. SSD, Tinnitis, tongue and lip numbness.  No headaches.  Back to living life.


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Re: Is scar tissue ever a problem?
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2010, 09:47:00 am »
Thanks Erin for your feedback ~ never gave scar tissue a thought until now.   ::)  I was always just thinking about the scar from my incision.  Who knew!!   :D

Sue ~ I know it's really a hard decision to make and it is a totally individual thing.  In regard to MEI, I often wondered....would I have been happier had I had one of the other doctors...I really feel as though Dr. LaRouere  and I have personalities that just don't click.  I like information ~ specifics ~ details ~ good or bad.  I like to review and research and process things and Dr. LaRouere is more of the old style doctor that only gives you what he thinks you need to know.  I really worked well with the neurosurgeon ~ Dr. Pieper ~ if you go with Dr. LaRouere, Dr. Pieper will be the neurosurgeon.  I made an appointment with him a couple months after my surgery and he took his time, no rushing, answered all my questions, explained things in terms I could understand.  I thought he was great.  But that wasn't your asked if I thought my surgery was a success and I suppose I would have to say yes.  Sure, I can tell you all the things I hated and can't really come up with anything warm or positive to say ~ BUT ~ I am alive and so, I suppose I can only say that it was a success.  I've read lots of positive things about MEI and I even read something recent about a patient that had her surgery at the NEW Providence hospital (Novi, MI) and boy, I wish I had had my surgery there instead of stinky old Providence hospital (Southfield, MI).   ;D  I believe you will have a good outcome if you use MEI and who knows, maybe the two of you will work well together.  What does your gut tell you?  I know it's scary but you can do it and it really will be fine.  Yes, I was ticked that there are little blobs that were left behind and that now they talk like that's a normal occurrence ~ I double checked with my husband and with my mom to see what they were told and yes, they were told that they "got it all".  But...I am a realistic person and I can see how it is possible that there was stuff left behind and I do not blame the doctor for that.  I just think that either he didn't know he left stuff behind OR they chose to tell good news instead of mentioning the potential for issues down the road.  I don't like it ~ but I get it. 

I know I'm blabbering.....

Follow your gut Sue...YOU will make the right decision for YOU.   Sending this big kiss your way..... :-*  I'm always around if you need anything.  p.s.  The pizza and smoothies at Providence were WONDERFUL....or so my husband says!!  XOXOXO 
Retrosigmoid on 02-06-09 by Dr. LaRouere (Michigan Ear Institute) and Dr. Pieper.  Perfect hearing, perfect balance, no tinnitus and no headaches before surgery.  Right SSD, loud tinnitus and crazy headaches after surgery.  BAHA surgery 07-29-09 ~ still working on tune-ups...don't love it ~ YET!!


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Re: Is scar tissue ever a problem?
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2010, 10:40:02 am »
Thanks Kathy,

I just cancelled the surgery but I told Kris that I may be calling back to reschedule after I finish checking out SBI.

I liked Dr. LaRouere but feel pretty much the same way you do about him.  You just reminded me that I do have an appt with Dr. Pieper on Feb 24th.  I guess I forgot about it I made the appt. so long ago.  I have heard that he is more personable than Dr. L and a top notch surgeon as well.  I will have to cancel that appt. as well until I know what I am going to do About SBI.  I do have my phone consult with Dr. Shahanian on March 4th.

Thanks for the well wishes, seems to me scar tissue is scar tissue not a tumor.  Good Luck you in my thoughts and prayers, the kiss comes right back at cha  :-*

Sue in Michigan
3.2 cm AN Right side diagnosed 12/4/09
Translab surgery May 2010 with Dr. Jack Kartush and Daniel Pieper at Michigan Ear Institute.
Successful surgery .5mm left on facial nerve.  Full facial movement. SSD, Tinnitis, tongue and lip numbness.  No headaches.  Back to living life.