Hi Kaybee-
Wow - it's already been six months!
First of all - GREAT that you are seeing movement in your cheek and mouth. That is wonderful. It sounds like you are healing at about the same pace as I did. And, by the way, I still have a bit of pirate smile if I am laughing or smiling really big. I think of it as a charming quirk now.

I saw on another post that you were thinking of coming to hear/see jackie Diels at NYU/Bellvue on the 9th. I think that will probably give you a really good idea of what to look for in a therapist. The challenge for all of us is that there are very few trained neuromuscular facial therapist/retrainers. I went to 2 other places in the greater NYC metro area before I finally made the decision earlier this year to go to Wisconsin and see Jackie. And, all I can say is that I wish I had gone sooner, but I am very glad that I went eventually! There is a vast difference in her approach as compared to the facial "therapists" I saw here.
As for questions for the therapist you are seeing - things I think I'd ask is how many other Acoustic or Facial neuroma patients have they worked with and what was the result. Do they regularly work with bells palsy patients? I would personally be just a bit cautious if more of their work is with stroke patients, only because the issues there are different than those we face (pun intended

There is a lot of mixed reviews on nerve stimulation (electric) but the people on my medical team, including my neurotologist steered me away from it. And, when I saw Jackie this year, she said the same thing. My nerve is healing on its own, albeit slowly and they've all said stim. could do more harm than good - but keep in mind, that is what they said about ME.
Okay, I'll stop now. If you are going to go to the event on the 9th, maybe we can meet up there? Its always so much fun to meet other ANers! And, please, if you have any questions, feel free to PM me anytime.