I was just released tuesday (04/11/06) from the hospital due to a bone infection. I had my 3cm AN resected on Monday (03/20/06) retosigmoid approach. i was out of the hospital on Friday (03/24/06) and a week later they removed the sutures. The following Wednesday(04/05/06) I woke up and fluid was draining from my wound. My wife immediately rushed me to the local emergency room fearing it was a CSF leak. Where the physician gave me an antibiotic IV, a CT scan and contacted my neurosurgeon. The local hospital did not feel comfortable treating me (nor did I trust them to). So they had me transported me to the hospital where my original surgery had been done. I was taken back to the same floor I had been previously for my recovery from the AN surgery. I saw my neruosurgeon on the following day and he said that it was not a CSF leak and they had not found anything on the cultures that the hospital took the previous day. I was relieved to find out that it was not a CSF leak and i was hoping to get out of the hospital the next day. However, I woke up around 2 AM friday morning after feeling more fluid draining from the wound site. The Nerosurgeon that was working came in and took a culture of fluid and they stopped the leaking. At 6 AM one of the nerosurgeons from my nerosurgeons team told me that I would need another surgery that day to clean the wound site. They took me into surgery around 12:30 and I woke up in recovery around 3:30 pm and I was sent back to my room. My nerosurgeon came to see me on Saturday and explained that when they went in they saw that the bone was "swimming in pus",his words, and that they need to remove the bone. I Spent another couple of days in the hospital where they pumped me with antibiotics that made me so natious that I didn't want to eat or even move. They gave me PICC line and now I have to take IV antibiotics every 12 hours at home. As of yet, I have not had any side effects from the second surgery. I am still dealing with the bells palsy on my left side, as well as, eyes, and headaches everybody else seems to have issues with. My main concern is with my ability to go back to work. I am still a probationary employee as Deputy Sheriff in one of the largest counties in the state. Probationary meaning they don't need a very good reason to let me go. And the ability to do the job I was hired for is a pretty good reason to let someone go. As of yet, I have not heard anything regarding my employment but I was planning on getting back to work next week ,having used up all of my sick, vacation and comp time, at least in a light duty status however that not going to happen due to this latest setback. Sorry about that I just needed to vent my concerns. But that was my experince with a bone infection resulting from AN Surgery.