Hi to a fellow Michigan person. For starters: GOOD for you not just jumping to the antidepressants. Be strong with your doctors, you need to be your own advocate sometimes. You should be able to request a brain MRI from any doctor and maybe ask them to pay attention to the IAC (internal auditory canal)....where the AN's tend to form. THEN, if something show up, I would request to be seen by Dr. Kartush at Michigan Ear Institute which main office is in Farmington Hills (I wasn't able to get him, but he has been rated the best for MI).
I have read where some say they are heraditary, then others no....just be safe and don't wait around. There are multiple other tests that can be run too. Mine were ran at MEI because my doctors and ENT around here in Ludington, MI (western side, middle of state on Lake Michigan). MEI seems to know the most and do the most for those of us in Michigan. Plus, I know a few others who have been there for other internal nerve issues, tinnitus, ear stuff, etc. SO they would be a good place for an opinion anyways. BUT, like I said, if you are going to see your regular doctor, they can at least get the ball rolling with a detailed MRI (MAKE SURE it is with AND with OUT contrast)
Feel free to post here of PM me if you have any other questions :-)
Good luck, please post after your appt. Tuesday what they say and decide to do! Don't forget....it's your choice and you are the one who needs to pay for it and get a piece of mind.
Denilse Sanford (MI)