First An's typically grow 1 to 2MM a year. But, I would not be comfortable with waiting 9 mos due to what I went through personally.
You can send his records to house in LA for a second opinion. Heck I think a lot of places will do that for you as I know I had that option here with Shands and Moffitt. Have you seen your MRI report to know if it's pressing on anything in his brain? How does he feel is he symptomatic? Headaches, hearing, balance? There's a lot of factors to consider in making a decision but know at ths point he should be a candidate for all forms of treatment but if you wait he might not be.
Check out some other threads in regards to the various types of treatment or you can ask those of us directly. Most of us have our type of treatment on our signature line.
Both options have risk...I personally think Radiosurgery has the least amount of risk involved but haven't not fully checked that option as it was not an option I was presented with.
Have you ordered the brochures from this site? They mail them to you and come pretty fast which are loaded with good information.
Please know we're here for you and no question is too silly or redundant!