Minor drama with the test for CSF. There was a mix up with robert's lab work, they had it they didnt, they sent it out, they didnt,.. They only do the test one day a week.. they are waiting to send the test out until they have a batch.. Sent the test out, didnt send the test out. Did the test in house, dont have the results. oh yeah we do. meanwhile Robert and I are sitting here for 5 days waiting for the test results. ... ARRRGG
The test came back positive for CSF. So he does have a leak. They have been very proactive in treating him with a med so far that should help stop the leak. At this point they will be checking for continuation of the leak in the morning. IF it is leaking in the morning still they WILL start a Lumbar Drain that will put him on his back on
bedrest for the next 3 days. If he doesnt leak they will send him home...
So I am asking all you prayer warriors to pray.. We know that God can heal this, he has already done so much, we just need to make it through tomorrow
morning with no further leakage. He hasnt had any leaking since yesterday afternoon... but then again they haven't forced him into a position that
causes it to leak. Also the amount of drainage has gone down significantly since saturday when they started him on the meds. He also doesnt have any
of the other symptoms of CSF leak, no headaches nothing just a very occasional drip out of the nose and only when he is sitting chin to chest for long periods of time so that is a miracle in itself, so GOD is GOOD, and we know he can heal this away as well.
I will update more when I can.