Hi Nikki,
I too am a newbie to this forum but I think I can really relate. I'm 62 in better than average shape (for someone my age the doctor's always say:-) and had (emphasis on had) a 1.75cm AN on my right side. I chose Translab microsurgery because "I wanted that thing out of there" and want to spend my "golden years" without the worry of having that thing growing in me. Sound familiar? I am 3 weeks post surgery and have to tell you I feel great. Sure I've got ear aches, But nothing a little aspirin wont help, and I have a little balance problem, although I actually jogged a couple of blocks yesterday with very little problem. I am single-sided deaf on the right side, but I had accepted that prior to going in to the process, and with the tinnitus I had previously and still, I really don't notice a huge difference. I have very little facial problems, my taste buds are gone temporarily (I'm already getting that back), and my only problem with hearing is in crowds, especially restaurants or the Mall. I just accept I can't hear and don't have a problem telling clerks or whomever is with me that I can hear. Most are pretty good about getting closer or giving me something to write with. As you can tell from others on this forum there are many different outcomes....I can attest that the outcome can be just fine also. I am really pleased with my results and look forward to not having anything I can't adjust too as I pursue the good life.
Good luck on your choice...and remember the results are not all bad........keep your sense of humor, it will come in handy. When everyone found out it took 3-1/2 hours to drill through my skull I, of course, became a "Hard Head!", and when they found that they took belly fat to fill the hole I became a "fat head", who had a liposuction along with my An surgery:-) I don't care who you are "thats funny!" Let us know what you decide and they outcome.