Hi, Everyone...
I know there are a couple of older posts on this subject, but wanted to share what I have learned about it.
I woke up from surgery with the horrible taste in my mouth. Some days, it's so bad I can hardly stand it The AN side of my tongue feels like it has an acid burn all of the time. My tongue is also very sensitive to acidic foods like fresh pineapple and strawberries. It is also very sensitive to carbonation, salt, pepper, etc.
I had read on the forum about taking zinc. My doctor also recommended it. I'm 3 months post-op and have been taking the zinc for about 1 month. It doesn't seem to be making any difference. I spoke to my dentist about it. He said that the nerves are confused and nothing will help...his suggestion??? Drink bourbon...lol If you drink enough, you won't care. Seriously, he did say to stay away from sugar as it encourages the nerves to continue the metallic taste.
I have done some research on the internet regarding metallic taste. Here are some other suggestions for 'curing' the metallic taste:
Create a tea or mouth wash from cilantro by boiling a couple of ounces of fresh cilantro in two cups of water. Strain off the cilantro and either drink it as a tea or use it as a mouth wash.
Gargle with salt water...of course, if salt burns your tongue, this isn't an option.
I haven't tried the cilantro tea. It's worth a try and I'm sure it's safe. I've looked at several homopathic remedies, but ot knowing anything about them makes me cautious about recommending that someone try them. I hope I have helped some of you. Please post if you have tried something else that worked for you.
Thanks, Pat