Hi, Shannon - and welcome!
I read your 'AN story" on your website and it brought back some memories of my own hospital experience, back in June, 2006. I had few complications and was discharged within 5 days of my surgery but many of the things you mention in your account rang true, i.e. the head bandage removal, ICU neurological testing every hour, the excitement of moving to a 'regular' room and the advantage of having company - an advocate, if you will - with us most of the time. My wife filled that role for me and did it without hesitation or complaint. I'll always be grateful to her for that.
I'm sorry your recovery has been slower than you would wish but I'm pleased to learn that you are progressing toward normalcy. It takes time but you will be back to normal and although we all carry some deficits post-op (mostly minor) I doubt you'll lose any cognitive ability.
I took the liberty of fixing the link in your post to take the reader directly to your website without having to cut-and-paste the address.