Thanks everyone for the feedback. I always seem to feel much better knowing someone else went through the same things. I do get the whooshing sound in my ear a lot lately. I was hoping my hearing was coming back
I knew that was to good to be true. It sounds like there's water in there most of the time, and the buzzing or humming noise, I could do without.
I got sick on Monday with some type of flu bug. Nasty, I was laid up for three days with fever, chills, and all over body aches. That was the worse, like my head didn't hurt already and then to add to that! Just glad that's over.
I think I will try heat tonight when I get home from work for my headache and neck pain. Maybe that's part of my problem. It is nice to know that the feeling is everything tyring to return to normal. What ever normal is now.
I do notice that the AN side has somewhat of a bump in back. My husband thinks it feels swollen a little. He wonders if that's where the titanium plate is? I wish I knew, my next appt is on the 21st.. Hopefully I can hold out till then to ask all my questions. I need to remember to write them down is my problem. I get there and say, nope, I'm good. I guess I just hate to be a bother.
Thanks again everyone for the encouraging words.
Love to all,