Hi there,
I feel for you, being young with facial paralysis.
BUT the fact that you feel tingling is a good sign. And since your face nerve was not cut, you may start to notice little twitches. I recall people just practicing smiling and moving their face in the mirror as part of their daily routine.
It is recommended to really not do anything dramatic for 6 months at least , and this is very hard I'm sure. The nerve just needs time to heal and progress on it's own. If you start massaging or doing stimulation (like EStem) , it may cause synkenesis down the road
(one part of the face moves when you do another function - like closing your eye, and your mouth moves).
I would think acupuncture would be ok though but maybe too soon for that. I don't know.
I know how distressing and depressing it is with facial paralysis, and there are many here who can empathize. (me being one

4 months post surgery is still very soon, so sounds like you really are doing well in other regards. You finished college and walked the stage and had brain surgery for a BIG acoustic neuroma, and THAT is something to be proud of! Stay busy and your face will hopefully follow.
Hang in there, I know where you are coming from
