Hi all...Kim from Charlotte here...i have not really posted alot on here..but sure have talked on the phone with many of you...i feel like i am in the count down days now too...i have had so many wonderful conversations with many of you . Deb, Michelle, Kathleen, Meredith,Ken, Jean, and so many more wonderful email converstaions...i feel like i am writing a good bye letter...
but i am not..i just wanted to thank each and every one of you who has thought of me and prayed for me during this time...i know after having talked to many of you that my biggest concern was making it through this alive...after talking with you all i realize i will make it - doing the chant Michelle
i look forward to my recovery now more than anything....
like i said i still have 2 weeks from today...but it came so quickly i wanted to write this before that time got here ( which will be before i know it)...i will be contacting most of you...or my husband will once surgery is over to let you all know how things went...and since i don't have a computer at home, i would appreciate if someone could do a posting for meÂÂ
again- thanks to all- although i am sure most of you will be hearing from me by phone in the next two weeks... still in need of that support you are all so famous for giving!!
love ya! ~kim~