Hi! I have been searching around on the internet to try to help my dad. He is 78 years old and was a miner for over 40 years. I tell you that because he has a bad hearing loss (has gotten progressively worse as he aged) but we always attributed it to blasting in the mine. Over the last 5 years he has had tinnitus and has been dizzy - not vertigo with vomiting, but dizzy every time he gets up and walks. It is not just that short dizziness like when you stand up too fast. This does not subside. He doesn't fall, just feels off dizzy. Now it has started to affect him while sitting and driving - not a good thing. He has been to a neurologist 5 years ago. They didn't do an MRI or anything. He is going back again. He's been checked for inner ear infections - no go there. His arteries are fine and though he has heart defribulation, he takes medicine and his blood pressure is good. I have been reading about Parkinsons, brain tumors, and epilepsy but he doesn't seem to fit into anything in those categories either. After reading about AN, I am thinking this could be a possibilty and something I want him to get checked for. He has hearing loss, dizziness, and constant ringing in his ears. Did anyone have dizziness like this? Were you all diagnosed by an ENT or a neurologist?