I feel the same way. I wish I was the social butterfly, and the energizer bunny I use to be. I'm home because of headaches and facial pain, but at the end of the day I do not feel up to talking with my husband. That has been a really tough battle at times. I feel isolated because of chronic pain and Louie feels lonely because I am not the carefree, talkative person I use to be.
It takes a lot of energy and effort for me to keep the house up. I have 4 adult sons still living at home, who is at work, who is at school and than running to work, plus my husband's work schedule. It exhaust me to keep up with my family's daily hustle and bustle.
I don't think I will ever be the same. Age is a factor no doubt, especially for women with all of the other carp women have to deal with. It kills me, they can make a magic little blue pill for men, that is great BUT once again women are forgotten. Okay that is my rant on the aging issue!!!

When I read on this forum how well some people have bounced back from surgery or radiation treatment I am so happy for them. At the same time I think what happened to me, why wasn't I as lucky? Than I give my head a gentle shake so I don't aggravate the nerves, and count my blessings knowing so many other people have life threatening conditions. I do not have any answers or a crystal ball to see into the future. I try and somedays it is really difficult, to put my best foot forward and do my best to be a good wife and a mother. Somedays I go from the bed to the couch and back to the bed again. I'm not the same and I know it has taken a toll on my husband and sons.
I think acceptance is the key to moving on. I know it is easier said than done. One must know their limitations and accept it. I find I have more tolerance and accept my limitations in the warmer, sunny weather. With this dull grey, stormy weather even the healthiest of people feel down. Today I feel a lot of facial pain, a very tight pulling sensation. I'm dizzy and my head around left temple is throbbing. The weather is stormy, I'm very tired. I have accepted the fact the weather plays havoc with my head and face. I'm going to take something and I'm going to lay down.......see acceptance!
Anne Marie