Thank you so much, Jim.
I have seen from the posts I've recieved that followup MRI's ARE necessary even with Trans Lab, and that makes sense. However, it seems that fewer are required that a yearly, as with GK.
The fewer the better. I a of an age such that frequent general sedations are things to be avoided if at all possible.
Still, I feel so much better about my options after reading the posts from all of you. I am seriously leaning towards the Trans Lab, pending my doctor's recommendations, but feel that all the info I've been given can do nothing BUT help!
It's kind of daughter has lupus, and we learned quickly that you must treat each person's lupus as a unique disease. Well, AN's are kind of like that, due to the fact that they are relatively rare and each one is unique. Yet all the info you can gather and all the things about lupus you learn help individually. Obviously that's particularly true here.
What I am trying to say is "You GO, forum!" Ya'll are great. Thanks again.