My very first reaction is that the site would be email based and include a section on NF-2. I do have a personal theory if all lived to be 100, many more would be diagnosed NF-2. I feel it is underdiagnosed today and am happy the diagnostic criteria has evolved away from HAVING TO HAVE, BILATERAL ANs.
The site would be well moderated so there is no fighting.
It would be nice to have professional consultation or advice if needed.
There would be no solicitation of biased patient web sites as in the original ANA online email list serve.
The site would include some break down into tratment modalities to help the above.
The sight would include some way to post off topic discussion so one might be able to kick back and talk about family, politics, the war, religious belief, etc. -That type area would be a challenge to moderate!
I hope I haven't offered too many ideas. After 8 years on lists, one gains a feel for what works and what isn't helpful and even damaging to an ill person.
Have a great night a please, if you want to try this and need/want help, let me know at russtoo@netscape.com I see MSN is a wide open playing field for an acoustic neuroma support group. I've thought of starting one there several times but seem to run short of energy.