Hi KenJen -
I'm a newbie too, but I can, without a doubt, say that (1) we all were in the same boat at one time or another and have felt (or are feeling) exactly as you and your husband do and (2) this group is a very caring, helpful and supportive. I can't count how often they've responded to newbies like you and me to give us hope and information. I don't know how big your husband's AN is but there are several options and both ANA.org (besides the decision forum) site and the cyberknife site are great for information...go back and read all the old discussions in each of forum groups (pre-op, post-op, general discussion, surgical methods, and radiosurgery. You'll find a wealth of information.
I've been researching my AN now for 2 months since I've been diagnosed with a 7mm and am close to deciding on CK (cyberknife). Ask away, and we'll respond as well as we can but, most of all, with wholehearted honesty and compassion.