Hi Cakulmum
I had exactly the same problem as you prior to treatment.
I found it very difficult to type, for a few weeks it was near impossible.
My fingers were pressing wrong keys all the time, and I was typing jibberish.
Concentration was horrible.
I employ 35 people and while addressing staff I would just go blank, not just lose my last thought, it was like losing the last 10 thoughts and the next 5 points of discussion as well.
It was during that time my balance problems became noticeable and became much worse as well as hearing loss and tinnitus.
Worth having a look at this link.
http://anausa.org/forum/index.php?topic=13565.0FLSunshine, and myself have experienced similar problems prior to AN treatment. Seems to be a Vestibular thing caused by the AN damaging the vestibular nerve or lack of blood to the vestibular organ caused by the AN restricting blood supply in the Internal Auditory Canal
From the Vestibular Disorders website
* Decreased ability to track multiple processes: Rapid shifts of attention, such as those required when driving a car, are more difficult.
* Difficulty handling sequences: Words and syllables get mixed up, letters and numbers are transposed, and conversations and stories are harder to follow.
* Decreased mental stamina: Prolonged concentration becomes more difficult or impossible. People accustomed to spending uninterrupted hours on a task at work or at home suddenly find that they need frequent breaks.
* Difficulty reading: Text in printed matter or on a computer monitor often appears to bounce or blur.
* Difficulty with memory: One of the most common and troubling dysfunctions is the struggle to take in new information, store it into long-term memory, and retrieve it later.
* Difficulty with large concepts and uncertainty: Integrating small details into a larger picture is more challenging, and people often feel a frustrating lack of closure. All the pieces are there, but can’t be put together.
I am happy to report the problem is now greatly improved, and I can type again, so hopefully the situation is only temporary.