I was sent for an MRI (in Feb.2010) because of unilateral hearing loss, but rolled my eyes and went down the hall to the audiologist and ordered a hearing aid. I had it for a one month trial period. The ENT had told me I HAD to get the MRI, but I thought he was just being overly cautious...
About a week later, I decided oh what the heck, and went and got the MRI after all. But then I didn't hear back from the ENT - three weeks passed, and no report, so I figured it must have been nothing. I was happy with the hearing aid and was just enjoying life...then I decided to call the ENT.
Well, the report had been lying on his desk for weeks, and he hadn't even looked at it!!! So he did, and called me that same afternoon, kind of sounding grim...I had no idea what an acoustic neuroma was, so of course, I started doing research, and here I still am.
So, from the time I had the MRI until I finally called the ENT, 3 weeks had passed. I wonder how long it would have taken him to read the report had I not called him? Let's just say I don't consider this the best of care. But now I'm glad he was on the ball and ordered the MRI, and most importantly, that I stopped being stubborn and went and got it done!
Well, this sure changed the scenery in my life this year! I can't believe it's already October~