Hi TJ, I had those same concerns.... My doctor will be putting me on Decadron during the treatments. And probably beyond that, I was concerned with the side effects..but keeping the swelling at bay is the main concern. I have searched every site and spoken to many people in similar situations,, Then...I called a friend who is a nurse..and she said....that is the drug of choice for the brain. My CK will start in a couple of weeks. My insurance also took soooo long to go through. Yesterday was the face mask, today the CT Scan and next week the MRI.. My AN right side, 2.3x2.0x1.9 cms. Balance a tad off, fullness in ear, tinnitis.. I have had so long, Im actually used to it, and some pins and needles in my face. Im more than ready for the CK and hope there are no complications. Lets stay in touch with our progress, JLR