Hello all! I would like to begin by saying how helpful this website has been for me. I was diagnosed with a 19mm x 10mm x 9mm acoustic neuroma on my right side in early August, and have met with quite a few different doctors since then to discuss my options. I eventually decided to go ahead with surgery, which is scheduled for December 15. I have been feeling significantly worse since the symptoms started in early May: I am nauseous almost all of the time, I am frequently dizzy and occasionally get disoriented and I do not know where I am, my vision also get blurry from time to time...basically I am ready to get this taken care of and hopefully get back to a semi-normal life. Also, some of the doctors have mentioned neurofibromatosis type II, based on my age (I turned 20 this year.) I have done tons and tons of research, and am aware that this is a relatively rare condition, but is it still something I should worry about? I am on track to go to medical school in 2012 (assuming I keep my grades up and do well on the MCAT) and am very worried about losing hearing in both ears. Sorry for the randomness of this post, but I appreciate your time and comments!