Kathleen Anna,
it was not until right at five months post-surgery that my eyesight was about normal. IANAD, there are a lot of things going on with your recovery that your brain is trying to adjust to. Also, if you have weakness in your left eye, it may be that muscles are also not responding as quickly as they used to do. I also wear bifocals and had significant double-vision. I wore a a progression of weaker and weaker prisms on my left lens until my vision was normal again. You may want to consult a optologist to see if what they might suggest.
Clarice offers very good advice about walking and stair handrails. You don't wish to add "recovering from a fall" to the work your body is doing now.
If you do seem to be having double vision, one trick that worked for me until I got my first prism was to tape over about 2/3s of the lens of my glasses on my AN side. By restricting the vision of that eye to whatever is straight ahead, it reduced the work my brain had to do to adapt. This was at the suggestion of my occupational therapist.
*IANAD = I Am Not A Doctor