Hi Loree, I've been lurking here for some time and have been researching SBI and Dr. Jho in Pittsburgh, both whom have some experience with this procedure. I was recently diagnosed with a 1.4 X 1.7 cm alien on my right side. Kind of knew I had something for the past 10 months when my symptoms started one morning. Typical tinnitus and slight reduction in the high frequency's but no balance or facial issues.
I had a Cyber Knife consultation today and have a consult with Dr. S at SBI soon. Dr. Jho and House just got my stuff so I'm doing my best to make the best decision I can. Dr S. has taken some flack from the good old boy neurosurgeon club over the years for not being a ordained neurosurgeon, but if you look what he has done with endoscopic tumor removal, its pretty impressive. Matter of fact, he just submitted, according to his office staff, a 500+ patient study for review in some medical journal. I'm supposed to get a copy of that tomorrow and will certainly post whatever I can.
As you probably know from the wealth of information on this site, making the decision on a plan of attack is probably the toughest decision we face. For me, in good health and with good hearing, keeping as much of that as I can and mitigating as many of the unintended consequences of treatment are high on my wish list. Once the choice is made, the skill of the treatment team and luck determine the outcome.