Author Topic: Anyone ever try Vitamin B-12 injections to help boost your energy?  (Read 3485 times)


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Hello AN Family,

I have been seeing my PCP for the last month.  Once a week I am given a Vitamin B-12 shot.  We are hoping that this will help with the severe fatigue that I have.  My PCP has ruled out that anything else could be causing the fatigue other than my AN surgery.  I was just wondering if anyone else had tried these shots and if it worked for you and if so how long and often did you get the shots?  My pcp says to drink those vegie drinks and eat healthy.  I told her I have tried that and everything else under the sun.  My neurosurgeon suggested pcp isn't too crazy about that idea but feeling exhausted for 2 years no fun.  I know there is no miracle drug out there...just wonder what can help me to actually feel awake...coz I really never do.  Any suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated.   ;D

God Bless,

Laura Lynn
4 cm left AN/diagnosed 1/23/09
Translab 4/14/09
Cyberknife 7/09
Gold weight implant 8/09
Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix
Dr. Syms and Dr. Porter
Balance issues, 100% hearingl loss (left ear), tinnitus, facial numbness/pain,
chronic fatigue, weakness, eye issues

God Bless everyone


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Re: Anyone ever try Vitamin B-12 injections to help boost your energy?
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2011, 01:10:10 pm »
I beginning to wonder if B12 could help me get me pep back after this recent surgery & blood lose...

Translab 12/95@Houston Methodist(Baylor College of Medicine)for "HUGE" tumor-no size specified
25 yrs then-14 hour surgery-stroke
12/7 Graft 1/97
Gold Weight x 5
Facial Paralysis-R(no movement or feelings in face,mouth,eye)
Great life!


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Re: Anyone ever try Vitamin B-12 injections to help boost your energy?
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2011, 01:44:48 pm »
Vitamin B12 really does help things like fatigue.
But you must be vitamin B12 deficient for it to work.
This can be determined by a blood test.
Having low B12 levels is quite common, so B12 injections can help.
Ask your doctor, get the blood test, and see if its any good for you.
If you have had a checkup blood test recently they routinely check B12 levels, if the doctor has said nothing, chances are you are OK and don't need a B12 injection.

10x5x5mm AN
Sudden Partial hearing loss 5/28/10
Diagnosed 7/4/10
CK 7/27/10
2/21/11 Swelling 13x6x7mm
10/16/11 Hearing returned, balance improved. Feel totally back to normal most days
3/1/12 Sudden Hearing loss, steroids, hearing back.
9/16/13 Life is just like before my AN. ALL Good!


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Re: Anyone ever try Vitamin B-12 injections to help boost your energy?
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2011, 02:36:41 pm »
Kaybo I sure hope you can get them and they help you.  Thanks for the info Paul.  Yes, I have had all sorts of blood work done and it all has come back fine.  I will be seeing my neurosurgeon in mid May and hopefully we can agree on what I should try next....have tried so many medications already.  I hate taking anything...that is why I was really hoping the B-12 shots would've worked.  Just hope that soon I will get some kind of boost in my energy...I hope and pray for things but energy is at the top of the list.   Thank you for your responses  :)

Laura Lynn
4 cm left AN/diagnosed 1/23/09
Translab 4/14/09
Cyberknife 7/09
Gold weight implant 8/09
Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix
Dr. Syms and Dr. Porter
Balance issues, 100% hearingl loss (left ear), tinnitus, facial numbness/pain,
chronic fatigue, weakness, eye issues

God Bless everyone

Cheryl R

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Re: Anyone ever try Vitamin B-12 injections to help boost your energy?
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2011, 04:54:01 pm »
Kaybo, do you have an idea what your hemogloblin is now?    if anything I would think some iron might be what you should be taking.                     I have a friend who does get the B-12 shot and it was just found with her lab work done for another reason.   She was not fatigued when it was low and no change since has been taking it for almost 2 mos now.      Need to ask her if they have have checked her level lately.              She has been thru all kinds of tests to see what might be causing a rt hand tremor.      They can't say it is Parkinson as no other symptoms of that.        She is going down to Iowa City and see a neurologist in June.         I had my hysterectomy done about 6 weeks before the last symposium and I was just getting over more tiredness than usual and that was with mine going very well.                    Hang in there, wish more of us were close to help.
                                                                            Cheryl R
Right mid fossa 11-01-01
  left tumor found 5-03,so have NF2
  trans lab for right facial nerve tumor
  with nerve graft 3-23-06
   CSF leak revision surgery 4-07-06
   left mid fossa 4-17-08
   near deaf on left before surgery
   with hearing much improved .
    Univ of Iowa for all care